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Ms. Cheung Wai Shan: Education Trailblazer

Ms. Cheung Wai Shan is a trailblazer in the field of English language education in Hong Kong, with a track record of innovative teaching practices and numerous accolades to her name. As the English Panel Chair and Academic Development Team Vice-chairperson, she is passionate about improving English language education in Hong Kong. For example, she has won the International Outstanding e-Learning Awards from the University of Hong Kong and the Flipped Learning Case Contest organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University for her innovative teaching methods. Ms. Cheung is also a regularly invited guest speaker at the Education Bureau and The Education University of Hong Kong, where she shares her expertise and insights on English language education.

Ms Cheung’s impact on the education community in Hong Kong is significant, and her works are highly regarded as valuable resources. Notably, the University of Hong Kong has selected Ms. Cheung as one of the few individuals to have her work published. As a devoted educator, Ms. Cheung has provided valuable insights to other colleagues and teachers from other schools through her open classroom practice in March of this year, as well as her adept adoption of e-Learning tools in the department.

Lock Tao Secondary School is fortunate to have Ms. Cheung as a member of the team, and her work has undoubtedly contributed to improving English language education in Hong Kong.
