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NCS students joined a competition organised by JPC

Four Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students joined the modern Pentathlon Competition cum Cultural Exchange 2024 organised by the Shatin Junior Police Call and Hong Kong Modern Pentathlon Association (香港現代五項總會) on 13th January, 2024 (Sat). Not only were secondary schools in Shatin District invited in the activity, students and parents from Shanghai International Studies University Affiliated Longgang School (上海外國語大學附屬龍崗學校) located in Shenzhen were also invited to join.

Students competed in the modern pentathlon race which included running, sport-shooting and completing an obstacle course in the morning. Two of our students (3B Hussain Aizan and Khan Shahzad) received a medal of appreciation in the competition. After the competition, they visited the Hong Kong Palace Museum with students from the mainland in the afternoon.

The competition and the cultural exchange visit did not only widen the horizon of our students about the newly introduced sports; it also facilitated the cultural exchange among local, mainland and NCS primary and secondary students and parents. It was an important experience for students to understand that while there are different ethnicities, believes, and backgrounds, there still can be inclusion, empathy and togetherness among students.
