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Our first ever teaching award in Gold and Bronze

The "International Outstanding e-Learning Awards" recognize teachers with outstanding teaching performance in the education sector. It not only demonstrates teachers' outstanding teaching performance and achievements, but also recognizes their influential, sustainable, and innovative academic contributions in school leadership and collaborative work to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Ms. Cheung Wai-shan (Deputy Head of the Academic Development Team and Panel Head of the English Department) won the Gold Award, the highest honour in the category of the English Language. Meanwhile, Mr. Eric (Native-speaking English teacher) won the Bronze Award in the same category. In recognition of the high-quality teaching cases, our teachers accepted the invitation of the conference to attend the award ceremony and shared their professional teaching experiences on the implementation of e-learning with other experienced educators on January 16, 2023. Their work has been published on the website of the organisation and printed as their annual publication.

In line with the importance of educational research and school professional development, our teaching team strives for the better use of technology in education and interdisciplinary collaboration to cultivate students' self-directed learning habits and enrich students' learning experiences to cater for learner diversity. In recent years, we are grateful to witness so many successful experiences of the teaching team in different teaching awards. With the 60th Anniversary of the Diamond Jubilee of Lock Tao Secondary School, we are all connected with gratitude.

