目前位置:首頁  >  學校行政  >  入學申請  >  中一入學申請








(一) 索取報名表格方法:


(二)  遞交申請表格日期:


(三)  派發及收回表格時間:

星期一至五  :上午九時至下午五時
星期六         :上午九時至十二時

(四)  遞交表格時所需文件:

1.  由教育局發出的「中一自行分配學位申請表」

2.  本校之報名表格

3.  學生近照乙張

4.  小學五年級上、下學期成績表副本

5.  小學六年級上學期成績表副本(如未派發,請於2024年2月23日或以前寄回/交回)

6.  獎狀副本

7.  學生之身份證或出世紙副本

8.  兩個回郵信封 (信封面須清楚寫上學生姓名、地址及貼上足夠郵資$2.2)

(五)  遞交申請表格方法:

1. 親臨本校遞交申請表。    

2. 以《中一派位電子平台》(eSSPA)方式遞交申請:只適用於家長已成功登記為「智方便+」的帳戶。家長須上載上述第(2)至(7)項的文件。

(六)  繳交申請表時的注意事項:

 1. 不需遞交推薦書。

 2. 所有交本校之申請表、證件副本及回郵信封,不論取錄與否,一概不獲退回。

 3. 所有影印副本請用A4紙。

 4. 每位小六學生最多可申請兩間中學,否則將被教育局取消資格。

(七)  面試:


(八)  遴選結果:


(九)  本校中一自行分配學額:





(一) 學業成績                         :30%

(二) 教育局之成績次第名單   :20%

(三) 操行                                :20%

(四) 獎項                                :10%

(五) 課外活動                         :10%

(六) 面試                                :10%





Lock Tao Secondary School

Application Form for Secondary One Discretionary Places (Academic Year 2024/2025 Intake)

Guidance Notes


Application Procedures


1) Collection of application form:

Application forms can be obtained from our school or downloaded at www.locktao.edu.hk from now until 16/1/2024.

2) Date of submission of application form:

Between 2/1/2024 and 16/1/2024.

3) Service hours for distribution and submission of application form: 

Monday to Friday         : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday                      : 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

4) Documents required when submitting the application form:

1. Application Form for S1 Discretionary Places (Original copy issued by EDB)

2. Completed Application Form issued by Lock Tao Secondary School

3. A recent student photo

4. Photocopies of School Reports for P.5

5. Photocopy of School Report for P.6 1st term examination (If the School Report has not been issued, please submit it in person or by post on or before 23/2/2024)

7. Photocopy of extra-curricular activities, services and prize records

8. Photocopy of Hong Kong Identity Card or Birth Certificate

9. 2 self-addressed stamped envelopes (The student’s name and address must be clearly written on the envelope and sufficient postage of $2.2 must be affixed)

5) Submission of application form:

1. Visit our school in person to submit the application form.  OR

2. Submit an application through the “Secondary School Places Allocation e-Platform” (SSPA e-Platform, eSSPA): only applicable to parents whose accounts have successfully registered as “iAM Smart+”.  Parents are required to upload the documents listed in items (2) to (7) above.

6) Points to consider when submitting the application form:

1. There is no need to provide a recommendation letter from primary school.

2. Regardless of admission being accepted or refused, all the documents that are submitted to our school will not be returned.

3. Please use A4 size paper for all photocopies.

4. Each Primary 6 student can apply for only two schools, otherwise he/she will be disqualified by the Education Bureau (EDB).

7) Interview:

All applicants will be invited to attend an interview on 2/3/2024 or 9/3/2024. Details of the interview will be announced separately.

8) Selection Results:

The results of S.1 Discretionary Places Stage will be released on 27/3/2024. Parents of successful DP applicants will be notified about the admission in writing and via phone. Accepted applicants must go through the registration procedures published by the Education Bureau.  

9) The number of Discretionary places is 30.


Admission Criteria and Weightings


Academic Performance

: 30%


EDB Ranking of Academic Performance

: 20%



: 20%



: 10%


Extra-curricular activities

: 10%



: 10%


Download Application Form